I had 3 great band (more than 2 people) experiences..My first band as a teenager (18-19), The Hi-Fiv band..these guys were all "old"..late 40's and 50's.
We were a "hit parade" house band at the Golden Horse..
The second band was my duo partner Cheryl, and Jerry the drummer from Innocents..Emil (guitar)from Mixed Company and myself..from Aria with Cheryl..
The third was my 11 years with "Just in Time"...
Would I want to go back into the past..and play with those old guys...You bet I would..they were real pros, that I took for granted, until I seen other performers..Bass(upright) , drums, guitar, sax, and accordion.
Would I want to play with that throw together band with Cheryl (a pretty black girl that is in my top 5 female vocalist that I have worked with..)..Emil and Jerry..In a heartbeat..Maybe the most fun I ever had in a band..Personalities galore..
Even Just in Time, after this 4 month absence..I am considering rejoining..
Playing Classy venues (bars), has it's rewards..Stage chemistry makes the difference..
Maybe you didn't play with the right people.
How can you tell if they were the right people?..You would play for the fun of it...if it was only about money...you were with the wrong people.